Lithium Carbonate Is Effective In Relieving Symptoms of Major Depressive Episodes


Lithium Carbonate

Lithium carbonate is an inorganic compound used in the processing of metal oxides and as a drug for the treatment of mood disorders. This lithium salt of carbonate is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. The white salt is also widely used in production of lithium-ion batteries.

Lithium carbonate has been proven effective in relieving the symptoms of major depressive episodes and is predominantly used for treatment of bipolar disorder. According to 2018 study in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, one survey of 11 countries found the lifetime prevalence of bipolar disorder was 2.4%. The U.S. had a 1% prevalence of bipolar type I.  Lithium carbonate shows a remarkable improvement in patients who undergo treatment for a minimum of six months. It can significantly improve the patient's quality of life, reduce his or her manic episodes. Patients who take Lithium Carbonate for treatment of bipolar disorder experience a significant improvement in their ability to carry out their daily activities and experience significant reductions in both their sadness and their elation.

Lithium carbonate tablets are film-coated and are indicated in the treatment of manic episodes of bipolar disorder. The tablets contain calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, sodium lauryl sulfate, and sodium starch glycolate. It is also indicated as a maintenance treatment for individuals with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Maintenance therapy reduces the frequency of manic episodes and diminishes the intensity of those episodes which may occur. A reduction in manic symptoms may be noticed within 5 to 7 days but the full therapeutic effect may require 10 to 21 days. Drowsiness, dizziness, tiredness, increased thirst, increased frequency of urination, weight gain, and mildly shaking hands (fine tremor) are some of the side effects of lithium carbonate. The tablets must not be given to patients with significant renal or cardiovascular disease, severe debilitation or dehydration, or sodium depletion. It may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman.          


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