
Showing posts with the label pipeline

Offshore Pipeline is witnessing massive installations with increasing demand for crude oil and gas worldwide

  An offshore pipeline system is a buried pipeline that is dug beneath the ocean or in saltwater areas in close proximity to shore. The pipeline is constructed within an underground trench or under the ocean bed to protect the pipeline from the corrosive effects of the salty sea water. In some instances, the pipeline is completely on-land but at other locations it traverses water bodies, including large oceans, small rivers and even small straits. The majority of offshore pipelines are located in the U.S. although there are also many that originate in various foreign countries. For example, the largest onshore pipeline system in the world is the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, which is located between Canadian and Alaska. An Offshore pipeline system can be a very useful method of transportation of both crude and natural gas. Offshore oil drilling and petroleum production on land have created many problems for the offshore oil industry. This method of production has caused many environm