
Showing posts with the label Advanced Glycation End Products treatment

Patients with Alzheimer's Have Type 2 Diabetes, With Associated Increased Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) and Increased Expression of Receptor for AGEDs

  Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are lipid or protein materials that become highly glycated due to contact with sugars. They are a bio-marker implicated in aging and the development, or worsening, of many degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, chronic kidney disease, and Alzheimer's disease They play an important role in the development and aging of both healthy and unhealthy cells, as well as in the occurrence and progression of several degenerative diseases. These include cirrhosis of the liver, fatty liver, and multiple sclerosis. They also cause the destruction of the red blood cell (RBC), the formation of advanced glycation end products or AME (products of glycation) inside the red blood cells and the premature aging of tissues. Most of these proteins are unstable and changes their function when exposed to varying sugars. This process can be triggered by a number of environmental factors, including obesity, chronic alcohol abuse, hormonal changes,