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Nasal cannula significantly has quick effect in reducing the difficulty in breathing problems in patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

The nasal cannula is a plastic tube with a thin metal cannula attached at its other end to form a puncture-like opening in the nasal wall. It is a small flexible tube that is often shaped like a long needle that is used to provide supplementary oxygen or greater lung flow to an individual or persons in need of respiratory assistance. This device is made up of a thin titanium tube that on one end fits into the nostril on either side or the other contains two small prongs that are inserted into the nostril and from there a mixture of oxygen and air flows into the patient's lungs. The prime function of nasal cannula is to deliver supplementary oxygen and in some cases may be used to stimulate breathing through the nose in severe cases, which may result in quick respiration. The use of this device has helped millions around the world who find it difficult to breathe on their own. In addition to using it for supplemental oxygen therapy, doctors may also use this device for patients