Here’s Everything You Need to Know about RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification)

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic waves to automatically identify and track tagged objects attached to baggage, packages, or other items with a hard or plastic cover. An RFID system is composed of a portable radio transmitter and receiver. The portable radio transmitter broadcasts the identification information to the receiver in the form of an RF signal. The receiver on the other hand is configured to respond to the signals it picks up from radio frequency channels. This enables the devices to be easily and quickly identified by the customs officials at the airport or truck tracking service. RFID has a wide variety of benefits for both businesses and consumers. Apart from enhancing security and tracking systems, RFID can track and monitor the products inside a warehouse. It can also ensure that goods bought are exactly what was expected. RFID also allows inventory tracking and allows updating of prices. For business, it helps prevent fraud and enhance...