
Showing posts with the label construction

U.S. Hearing Protection Devices industry is expanding rapidly with growing demand to limit the exposure hazardous noise and prevent noise-induced hearing loss

  Hearing Protection Devices are custom-made ear muffs or plugs designed especially by an audiologist to accommodate hearing loss while in a noisy surroundings. These help to decrease the vibrations of loud noises impacting the inner ear and accordingly reduce the noise level to a safe level. There are many different types of U.S. hearing protection devices available in the market. The first of the two types of hearing protection devices is in the form of earmuffs. As the name suggests, these fit over the ears to minimize noise transmission. They come in a variety of sizes, depending upon individual requirements. Similar to the earmuffs, ear mold fits around the ear canal. These too come in a variety of sizes and shapes as well as materials, such as cotton, foam, polyester, etc. Earmolds are well-fitted and offer maximum noise reduction along with protecting one's ears from irritating noise sources. Noise reduction can also be ensured through fitting testing. Fitting testing for

Using Two Different Laser Cladding Materials Increases Ductility of Joint and Avoids Formation of Cracks

  Laser cladding refers to a surface modification technique widely used in industrial applications such as rapid manufacturing, parts repair, surface coating, and innovative alloy development. It involves the feeding of a stream of metallic powder or wire into a melt pool that is generated by a laser beam as it scans across the target. Laser cladding can be used to increase corrosion resistance, wear resistance or impact performance of metallic components, using a method of applying a fully dense, metallurgically bonded and virtually pure coating. Laser cladding materials with different lasers have been used: high power diode laser (848 nm), Nd:Yag laser (1064 nm), CO2 laser (10.64 µm), and excimer laser (248 nm). It is quite different from traditional welding or fusion bonding as a means to permanently bind the metals together by means of high-energy laser beams. Instead, it is usually achieved by injecting two metallic materials through a cryogenic chamber and then pressing or rol

Functional Films Finds Application in Protective Coatings In Order To Increase Their Physical Properties

  Functional films are polypropylene (PP) films that are applied to certain substrates in order to increase their physical properties, such as thermal conductivity or electrical conductivity. These films are generally used for a variety of applications, including coating fabrics and other substances. The physical and chemical properties of a film can be changed by applying specific chemical catalysts, or applying mechanical stresses to the film. In addition, certain types of plastics, which are hydrophobic, are able to trap small quantities of moisture, thus preventing their growth on the films. Functional films are used in a variety of different applications to add a protective coating to a surface, increase the film's electrical or physical properties, or to make a barrier. In addition to protecting products from damaging agents, these films also provide protection from ultraviolet light. All of these films have a wide range of possible applications, including protecting pro

Green Cement Is Used As an Eco-Friendly Alternative to Traditional Cement to Make Sidewalks, Structures, and Pavements While Reducing Carbon Footprints

  Green cement is a mixture of natural stone and cement that can be used to construct sidewalks, driveways, as well as various types of structures, especially used in regions such as the U.S., Singapore and Italy, among others. It can be used to create anything from a walkway, patio, pool fence, and even a driveway. However, it is important to use this type of concrete in a well-ventilated area. Concrete is one of the most powerful building materials available, but it can be hazardous when it is not used properly or when it is mixed with air. It is not difficult for green cement to contain toxins, as it contains high levels of lime and water. These toxins are released through the concrete when it is mixed with water. This combination can be dangerous because it can allow algae to form and it can make the cement hard. When this occurs, the concrete will crack, which can weaken the structure of the building. Besides, if the water contains chemicals such as bleach, then it could also a

Offshore Pipeline is witnessing massive installations with increasing demand for crude oil and gas worldwide

  An offshore pipeline system is a buried pipeline that is dug beneath the ocean or in saltwater areas in close proximity to shore. The pipeline is constructed within an underground trench or under the ocean bed to protect the pipeline from the corrosive effects of the salty sea water. In some instances, the pipeline is completely on-land but at other locations it traverses water bodies, including large oceans, small rivers and even small straits. The majority of offshore pipelines are located in the U.S. although there are also many that originate in various foreign countries. For example, the largest onshore pipeline system in the world is the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, which is located between Canadian and Alaska. An Offshore pipeline system can be a very useful method of transportation of both crude and natural gas. Offshore oil drilling and petroleum production on land have created many problems for the offshore oil industry. This method of production has caused many environm