
Showing posts with the label U.S. Hearing Protection Devices

U.S. Hearing Protection Devices industry is expanding rapidly with growing demand to limit the exposure hazardous noise and prevent noise-induced hearing loss

  Hearing Protection Devices are custom-made ear muffs or plugs designed especially by an audiologist to accommodate hearing loss while in a noisy surroundings. These help to decrease the vibrations of loud noises impacting the inner ear and accordingly reduce the noise level to a safe level. There are many different types of U.S. hearing protection devices available in the market. The first of the two types of hearing protection devices is in the form of earmuffs. As the name suggests, these fit over the ears to minimize noise transmission. They come in a variety of sizes, depending upon individual requirements. Similar to the earmuffs, ear mold fits around the ear canal. These too come in a variety of sizes and shapes as well as materials, such as cotton, foam, polyester, etc. Earmolds are well-fitted and offer maximum noise reduction along with protecting one's ears from irritating noise sources. Noise reduction can also be ensured through fitting testing. Fitting testing for