Paraformaldehyde Is Used In Beauty Products and Disinfectants as a Stabilizer and Is Harmful To the Body If Ingested or Exposed For a Long Time
Paraformaldehyde, also known as octanoate, is a chemical compound that is considered a carcinogen. If the compound is inhaled or ingested, it can cause severe health effects including coughing, nausea, and headache. This chemical is made from the chemical octyl dimethyl butyric acid (ODCA), which is commonly used in detergents, printing, photography, printing toner, and embossing. Paraformaldehyde mimics the effects of nicotine and similar chemicals. Paraformaldehyde is the single most common polymers of octyl dimethyl butyric acid, with a high average level of polymerization at a low percentage. Paraformaldehyde often has a subtle smell of octanoate because of the decomposition of the substance in the solution. Paraformaldehyde, as an ingredient that is commonly added to products that mimic cork, is found in so many products that it is considered a "super-additive." Common cosmetic ingredients that contain paraformaldehyde include lip balm, lipstick, hand cream, facial s...