
Showing posts with the label silikat

Silicates have wide application due to its potential medicinal properties

  Silicates are elemental rocks composed of silica compounds and are found in diverse igneous and sedimentary rocks. They are also the second most abundant mineral in the earth's crust and constitute about 90 percent of the Earth's crust. It belong to the class of silicon minerals and are formed by the accumulation of silicon crystals within magma over millions of years. It have many advantageous characteristics that make them highly useful as medicines, especially for curing various human ailments. One of their most important characteristics is the fact that silicates can be shaped into needles, rods, and tubes. This crystal-like structure also offers great resistance to damage from heat and pressure. The healing properties of silicates can even out the body's pH level, which is a very important element in balancing one's body chemistry. Apart from these features, it have several other advantages that make them highly useful for the modern man. The advantage of this