
Showing posts with the label Linseed Oil Uses

Linseed Oil Finds Application in Cosmetic Sector, Owing to Significant Amounts of Protein, Vitamin E, and Other Nutrients

  Linseed oil, more commonly called flaxseed oil, is an attractive yellow to brown oil obtained from the seeds of the flax tree. Linseed is primarily a warm temperate zone or subtropical plant, major producers being Argentina, the U.S., Canada, Russia, and India. The oil is obtained most commonly by filtering, with sometimes additional solvent extraction followed. The oil is generally a clear, light yellow oil with a somewhat oily consistency. It's used for cooking and skin applications. The fatty acids and wax esters in this seed are similar to those found in olive and sunflower oils. In addition, linseed oil may contain significant amounts of protein, Vitamin E, and other nutrients. Because of these properties, the oil may be considered to be a "complete food," providing protein, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that may be lacking in a vegetarian diet. Linseed oil may help alleviate some of the dietary deficiencies often experienced by vegetarians and people