Head Lice Drugs have found to be significantly effective in eradicating lice infestation on a human’s head


Head Lice Drug

Treatment for head lice can be as simple as using shampoos containing biocides and other head lice drugs to kill the lice, or can be more complex. The type of treatment that a person chooses should depend on the severity of the lice infestation. Head lice can be difficult to eliminate since they attach to hair follicles and only become apparent during the early stages of a severe lice outbreak. Often, treatment of lice involves several steps. The first treatment is washing with a medicated shampoo or solution for at least 2 days in hot water.

The solution may be vinegar or citrus although always use a medicated shampoo. This will help loosen the adhesive that holds the line in place. The next step is the treatment of the infected area. If the infected person is having trouble expelling the lice, a hot compress will help release them. It is important to wash all clothing and bedding that will be worn on the day of treatment. Lice usually lay their eggs under the clothing and can survive for weeks in areas where there is no ventilation or heat. A lice powder is often used to cover all surfaces and clothes used on the day of treatment. This powder is taken through the home using rags, then washed and dried in hot water. Hair is typically removed from these areas before the powder is applied to the scalp.

Once treatment of lice with head lice drugs has been completed, a follow-up visit to the dermatologist should occur within two weeks. In some cases, a hairball can grow in the balding area of the scalp. This is a precursor to another set of treatments that will kill the lice and their eggs. In most cases, two weeks is too long to wait during which time a child could be growing the lice.


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