Fluorouracil (5FU) is one of the most popular anti-cancer drug used worldwide


Fluorouracil (5FU)

Fluorouracil (5FU) is a highly specialized cancer drug. It has been in use for years and has been subject to many clinical trials. It belongs to a family of cancer drugs called anti-tumor antigens. Anti-tumor antigens are like other normal body cells but they possess a different construction. They stop cancer cells from functioning normally. They prevent the cancer cells from making and repairing cancer DNA. The original indication for the use of fluorouracil was for use in the prevention of tooth decay. Because tooth decay is prevented, the drug is also used for cosmetic reasons.

Fluorouracil (5FU) consists of two antigens, fluorouracil A and fluorouracil B. Fluorouracil A contains a synthetic form of vitamin D that mimics the activity of naturally occurring vitamin D in human beings. Fluorouracil B contains the same active ingredients as the prescription medicine lofexidene. In clinical trials with dogs, it was found that both antigens were able to produce a significant increase in the frequency of positive live vaccines (dogs that received the vaccination and received the other antigens for 3 months). This finding is important because positive, live vaccine responses are necessary to prevent the disease; if no immune response develops then the dog will not be protected.

Fluorouracil (5FU) can be purchased over the counter, but one should be aware that there are some serious side effects associated with its use. Many of the side effects were caused by improper use, or by the misuse of the drug. These side-effects include sudden death, loss of consciousness, seizures, fluid in the lungs or abdomen, or severe skin rash. Fluorouracil can be potentially deadly. This is because Fluorouracil combines a powerful antimetabolite, with a drug that can cause serious side effects in sensitive individuals. Therefore, it is very important to follow the advice of a doctor and to use it properly.


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