A Medical Dynamometer is used to measure grip strength which is associated with future health conditions such as cardiac disorders and cancers


Medical Dynamometer

A medical dynamometer is basically a device used to measure the mechanical strength of a body part or appliance. It is usually used for testing the muscular strength, the power output of a particular motor or appliance, the distance travelled by an object or vehicle, and many other performance-related tasks. For these purposes, a medical dynamometer is normally attached to the testing subject so that changes in its parameters can be immediately seen and measured. In most cases, it is a very simple apparatus with a couple of standard components.

A medical dynamometer is used for a variety of reasons such as better medication access, reduced costs, enhanced patient care, better monitoring of existing and potential medical conditions, improved diagnosis and prognosis, and more. Medical dynamometer manufacturers have also developed new applications and advanced technologies to help physicians treat diseases and conditions more effectively.

The common components of a medical dynamometer include a crank arm and a variable current source. The crank arm is usually made out of a suitable material such as stainless steel, aluminum, copper, titanium or brass. The armature is placed between two screws and is attached to a motor that can either be mechanical or electrical. The current source is either AC or DC in the range that is suitable for the dynamometer application. The mechanical test piece can either be a spring or a series of springs wound around a large amount of flexible cable. In December 2020, the Michigan-based medical dynamometer provider, Sakor Technologies, Inc., deployed a dynamometer monitoring solution to General Atomics Aeronautical Systems for testing the motors of RPA (remotely-piloted aircraft) turbines.

There are four types of medical dynamometer currently used mostly in the rehabilitation healthcare fields: static pressure gauge, dynamic pressure gauge, myogrip strain gauge and push-pull gauge. Although all these instruments have many variations depending on the type of application they are used for, they share certain common features. They all measure power output exerted on an object or appliance through resistance to external mechanical influence.


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