Genome Engineering; a Group of Technologies Used To Change an Organism's DNA


Genome Engineering

Genome engineering, also known as genetic editing, gene manipulation, or genetic engineering, is basically a form of genetic engineering where DNA is introduced, inserted, deleted, or altered at the genetic level of an organism. It involves editing and modifying the genetic material of living organisms. There are various methods to insert, delete, and modify genetic material in living organisms. In recent years, several approaches to genome editing have been developed. Genome engineering technologies enable scientists to make changes in DNA, leading to changes in physical traits. These technologies act like scissors, cutting DNA at a specific spot.

The process of editing DNA may be done to address specific needs, such as to create an animal/plant hybrid, repair a disease gene, or add on to a chromosome. It may also be used to screen thousands of diseases for genetic disorders. It allows scientists to study how various lifestyle traits and physical attributes are affected by genetic differences. Scientists use genome engineering to study human evolution, to discover the role of natural selection in evolving traits, and to find and develop treatments for inherited illnesses and conditions. In order to learn more about the benefits of this method, it is necessary to understand how genetic material is expressed in living organisms.

Genome engineering were first developed some decades ago. It can be used to modify DNA sequences to study gene function and regulation of the genes involved in cancer through the generation of in vitro and in vivo models. A new technology, CRISPR, allows scientists to edit a cell's DNA, to destroy cancer cells in mice. The early research done on two type of metastatic cancer, such as brain and ovarian cancer, has not been tested in humans. The CRISPR-LNPs system acts as molecular scissors that cut cells' DNA. CRISPR is a family of DNA sequences found in the genomes of prokaryotic organisms; archaea and bacteria.

Moreover, CRISPR-based novel diagnostic tools have been used to reduce the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, in March 2021, a team of scientists led by Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) developed a diagnostic test, VaNGuard, that can detect the virus that causes COVID-19 even after it has gone through mutations. VaNGuard (Variant Nucleotide Guard) is CRISPR-based technology; detect mutated strains of SARS-CoV-2, thus increasing the adoption of CRISPR genome engineering in the diagnostics arena.


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