Cervical Cancer Diagnostic Tests have become highly sophisticated with accurate diagnosis for effective treatment


Cervical Cancer Diagnostic Tests

There are three basic types of cervical cancer namely squamous cell carcinoma (also known as cancer of the cervix), adenocarcinoma, and carcinoma in the fallopian tubes. Adenocarcinomas are the most common type and usually begin as a non-cancerous tissue. Squamous cell carcinomas (also called vaginal cancer of the cervix) develop primarily in the outer lining of the cervix and is normally found in 90 to 95% of cervical cancer cases.

One of the key cervical cancer diagnostic tests are HPV diagnostic test and they are at an all-time high. As previously stated, research reports continue to indicate that the future is not likely to see a slowing of the rate of new infections, but instead an acceleration into the future. The Information presented in this article briefly outlines two of the most important players in the cervical cancer diagnostic tests sales, price and growth rate of HPV. A recent development in DNA cervical cancer diagnostic tests makes it possible to determine if a person has abnormal cells by looking at genetic material (known as HPV DNA) found in cervical fluid. If the DNA is present, it indicates that a person may have the disease. Unfortunately, there is no current way to determine which type of cells a woman carries that can indicate HPV infection.

Most doctors will recommend surgery if the tumor is large enough or if the tumor and surrounding tissue can be seen on an ultrasound. If surgery is recommended, doctors will often combine chemotherapy and radiation therapy. If the cancer cells have already spread to other areas of your body, chemotherapy alone will often be enough to stop the cancer cells from spreading. Recently, in June 2020, National Cancer Institute (NCI) study showed that AI dual-stain approach improved efficiency, the accuracy of cervical cancer screening.


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