Behenyl alcohol is a synthetic or plant-derived thickening agent and emulsifier used in cosmetics


Behenyl Alcohol

Behenyl alcohol is a greasy alcohol utilized in skincare and corrective items to help relax the skin and improve the surface and consistency of the definition. Its principle four uses are as an opacifying fixing, thickener, emollient, and emulsifier.

Behenyl alcohol, otherwise called docosanol, is soaked greasy alcohol with 22 carbons. Greasy alcohols are a gathering of fixings that are frequently misjudged, for the most part because of their name. In spite of having alcohol in their name, greasy alcohols really help to viably condition and mellow the skin and hair.

Greasy alcohols have a high sub-atomic weight, straight-chain essential alcohols got from normal fats and oils. Behenyl alcohol is gotten from vegetable sources like corn, yet it can likewise be artificially delivered.

This is on the grounds that when oil and water-based fixings are combined as one they regularly experience isolating or parting. This can change the surface and viability of your item. To keep away from this issue, emulsifiers are added. An emulsifier like behenyl alcohol can be added to help guarantee the two-fixing types stay blended. This improves the consistency of an item, which empowers an even dissemination of effective skincare benefits.

As an emulsifier, behenyl alcohol comprises of a water-adoring hydrophilic head and an oil-cherishing hydrophobic tail. The hydrophilic head is coordinated to the water-based fixings and the hydrophobic tail to the oil-based fixings. Behenyl alcohol lessens the surface pressure by situating itself at the oil/water or air/water interface, which has a balancing out impact on the emulsion.

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