What are different novel drugs and devices to lower intraocular pressure available in market today?


Novel Drugs and Devices to Lower Intraocular Pressure

Intraocular pressure (IOP) is the pressure of the fluid inside the eye, measured in terms of pulses per minute. This is known as the Pulse Oximeter and is used to monitor blood oxygen saturation, in addition to blood pressure. IOP can range from zero to a maximum of minus 8.0mm Hg. It can be calculated by taking the pulse rate and dividing it by the time the pulse was heard. An IOP less than zero indicates no pressure change, and an IOP higher than eight million would indicate a marked change in pressure. There are various novel drugs and devices to lower intraocular pressure available in the market today one of the drugs is antihypertensive drugs. There are certain herbs that can be used as novel drugs and devices to lower intraocular pressure. Asparagus has a natural diuretic effect on the kidneys and lowers blood pressure.

Of the many causes of intraocular pressure (IOP), one of the most common is glaucoma, which develops when optic nerve damage occurs. It can occur in one or both eyes and results in severe intraocular pressure. Treating glaucoma is complicated, and requires multiple trips to the eye hospital. A drug to lower intraocular pressure can reduce pressure in patients who are at high risk for stroke, and in turn, reduce the risk for vision loss. Another common eye disease that can cause pressure build-up in the eye is called ocular hypertension. This is usually caused by high blood pressure that travels into the eye through a vein

Besides ocular hypertension, another eye problem that can increase pressure buildup in the eye is cataracts. Cataracts can form either inside or outside of the eye, causing increased intraocular pressure. Left untreated, cataracts can worsen over time and cause vision loss.


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