Digital fluoroscopy system gaining popularity across screening of common eye disease


Digital Fluoroscopy System

Digital fluoroscopy system is used in a common treatment procedure of eye doctors nowadays. Fluoroscopy as it is commonly called is the process of using x rays of laser to diagnose and observe problems of your ocular tissue. This procedure is generally done for the treatment of newborns but is also useful for diagnosing many eye disorders in older people. This is why a digital fluoroscopy system is beneficial in minimizing the unnecessary exposure of patients to radiation. With the help of laser, doctors can create three-dimensional images of the retina. The advantage of the digital fluoroscopy system lies in its quick availability of x-ray laser and the fact that there is no unnecessary exposure to radiation.

Using digital imaging for various health issues has already been around for more than 40 years. In fact, with the help of computed radiography, it allows obtaining better and higher quality images than what would be able to obtain with traditional techniques such as computed radiography and digital x-ray machine.

With the development in technology, there came a new technology, which is known as digital detection. This is the combination of the analog x-ray systems and the digital ones to improve the accuracy of the computed radiography.

Another difference between the digital radiology system and the traditional x-ray computed radiography is the images that are produced by the former are clearer and have a higher resolution. They are also able to capture details that the former image cannot show. Digital Fluoroscopy can also create images at faster speeds, thereby providing a faster method of getting more images with minimal loss of signal quality. These machines have no internal sources of radiation and therefore pose no unnecessary exposure to radiation. This is why digital radiography is the preferred imaging technique in most situations


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