Bituminous paints has various industrial purposes and contain oil-based ingredients


Bituminous Paints

The process of using bituminous paints has been around for centuries. It was not until the twentieth century that the industrial revolution introduced new technologies that have revolutionized this art form. These new techniques enable the use of these paints for industrial purposes.

There are several types of bituminous paints available in the market, which are based on different manufacturing processes. Most of the industrial paints used today contain oil-based ingredients. This paint is usually called Teflon-coated paint and it has a limited life span if it is not carefully handled. This paint may chip or crack when it comes into contact with certain metals.

The Teflon coating provides protection to industrial products from the harmful effects of the toxic chemicals contained in the paints. The oil-based paints contain hydrocarbons and there are instances when these hydrocarbons react with the wax coating present on the plastic bitumen to form chlorinated oils. Such industrial products should therefore be handled with great care. A brush with soft bristles is required to apply these paints on a surface. This paint is basically applied on a clean and smooth surface. Use of any type of brush or cloth may result in the release of harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are released into the air. Hence it is necessary that you wear protective gloves and eye goggles while painting. The process of applying these paints requires careful handling. It is essential to remove all dust particles or loose particles from the area before painting.

Bituminous paints can be of various types such as permanent bituminous, non-permanent bituminous, acrylic paints, etc. Acrylic types of paints are light weighted and therefore easier to use. These paints have the ability to provide flexibility for various industrial processes, due to which they find usage in places like the shipping industry, printing industry, furniture industry, etc. Therefore, bituminous paints are considered to be of great economic benefit for both the industrial users and the users at home.


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