CRISPR and CAS Gene Editing Is a Revolution in the History of Global Medicine And Healthcare Sectors Are Trying To Achieve More Finesse in the Method



CRISPR and CAS Gene editing is an innovative genetic engineering method practiced in different regions of the world including the U.S., U.K., and Italy, in molecular biology whereby the genetic codes of living things can be changed. It is largely based on a simplified form of the bacterial CRISPR and CAS Gene antiviral defense system. The method involves restriction enzymes that cause the change in the DNA sequence, and it is called genetic alterations because the modifications make the target organism less resistant to diseases. Since the insertion of genetic changes involves deletion of non-functional sequences or insertions of sequences with functional genes, it is termed transcriptomic or somatic gene editing.

There are several applications of CRISPR and CAS Gene and most importantly these methods are being used for the research of the disease. Gene therapy using CRISPR and CAS Gene has been extensively used in the field of genetics. These methods can be broadly categorized into two segments - one is that of intragenic gene therapy which involves the expression of specific transcripts from introns of non-protein transcripts. Another one is that of transcription-mediated gene therapy that involves the expression of gene transcripts from promoters or transcription factors. In the case of intragenic editing, introns of transcripts are targeted using enzymes like RNase I, Bacteria's RNases, and Toxin Inhibitors.

Genetic disorders are not very rare in the United States. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the most common genetic disorder in the region is sickle cell anemia. Experts say that approximately 100,000 people in the United States are diagnosed with sickle cell anemia and around 30,000 people have been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. In 2020, Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna the key developers of the CRISPR and CAS Gene won a Nobel prize.

As far as the ethical issue is concerned, there is still a lot of debate going on. This has been fueled largely by the fierce patenting controversies surrounding the usage of CRISPR and CAS Gene technology. Many patent authorities have become more stringent in the past few years and are increasingly prohibiting the usage of CRISPR and CAS Gene methods to achieve genetic alteration and the release of genetic modifications. There are efforts going on to develop improved and more acceptable methods of editing genes.


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